Campus Focus Messages
The Gospel
Our words have more power than we realize, and no words carry greater power than the gospel.
Romans 10:5-17
Dan Cooper | September 21, 2023
Making the New Known
When God gives us new life in Jesus, we become ambassadors for Him and are called to make the “new” known.
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Dan Cooper | September 14, 2023
Out with the Old, in with the New
Adopting the new, better way of Jesus and experiencing His rest means we must be willing to let go of our old way of sin because they’re incompatible with one another.
Luke 9:23-26, Ephesians 4:17-24
Dan Cooper | September 7, 2023
Rest for the Weary
Our culture celebrates busyness and equates it with importance, but Jesus offers a new, better way that results in rest for our souls.
Matthew 11:28-30
The Finale 2023
The final CF of the 2022-2023 school year and night of celebrating and remembering all that God has done this year.
Dan Cooper | April 27, 2023
Test of Prayerfulness
God is our help in times of need and especially worthy of our praise in times of abundance, so no matter our circumstances, we ought to pray.
James 5:13-20
Dan Cooper | April 20, 2023
Test of Truthfulness
Followers of Jesus should be the most trustworthy people nonbelieving friends and family know because we reflect a God who always has and always will keep His promises.
James 5:12
Dan Cooper | April 13, 2023
Test of Patient Endurance
When we’re wronged and experience injustice, we can either retaliate against sin with sin or establish our hearts with patience, trusting the Lord and looking to Jesus as our example.
James 5:1-11
Dan Cooper | April 6, 2023
Test of Dependence
A life of following Jesus means submitting all of ourselves to Him in worship, which includes the plans we make for the future.
James 4:13-17
Dan Cooper | March 30, 2023
Test of Godly Wisdom
Godly wisdom and worldly wisdom oppose each another. Our motivation, posture, and fruit will tell us what type of wisdom we’re seeking and walking in.
James 3:13-18
Nate Brawn | March 9, 2023
Test of the Tongue
Our words are more powerful than we realize, and our faith is reflected in how we use them.
James 3:1-12
Alan Bowdler | March 2, 2023
Test of Works
Faith without works is not a genuine, living faith but a dead or lifeless “faith.” Our faith in Jesus is proven genuine when our lives reflect the faith we claim to have.
James 2:14-26
Dan Cooper | February 23, 2023
Test of Partiality
We cannot “love our neighbor as ourselves” while showing favoritism toward only those who are like us. God shows no partiality, and neither should we.
James 2:1-13
Stephen Morris | February 16, 2023
Test of Response to the Word
We’re not only meant to hear the truth of God’s Word but also live it out. Being a doer of the Word leads to genuine blessing and joy.
James 1:19-27
Dan Cooper | February 9, 2023
Test of Temptation
While God tests us, He never tempts us. When we face temptation, we can have confidence that He will provide a way of escape because He is faithful.
James 1:13-18
Dan Cooper | February 2, 2023
Test of Suffering
Trials are the refining fire God uses to draw out the sinful impurities in us, so that we grow in our faith and better reflect Jesus.
Note: the first portion of this recording was unfortunately lost due to technical difficulties.
James 1:1-12
Dan Cooper | January 26, 2023
The Exclusivity of Christianity
Christianity is, in fact, exclusive in that Jesus is the only way of salvation. Yet Christianity is also inclusive in that this salvation is available to all who desire it through trusting and believing in Jesus.
John 14:1-7; Acts 4:8-12; 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Todd Schreiner | January 19, 2023
Baptized in Christ
When Jesus took on flesh to save us, He unashamedly identified Himself with us in the process. Through baptism, we unashamedly identify ourselves with Him.
Matthew 28:18-20; Colossians 2:6-15
Dan Cooper | December 1, 2022
The Sacrifice
Abraham’s willingness to give up his only son, Isaac, was a foreshadow of God’s willingness to give up His only Son, Jesus, so that we may have life. It’s a picture of the gospel in the Old Testament.
Genesis 22:1-19
Alan Bowdler | November 17, 2022
The Promise
God’s reassurance of His covenant with Abraham and the eventual birth of Isaac show us that God keeps His promises. We may not know exactly when a promise will be answered, but we can be certain that His promise will come true.
Genesis 17:15-18:15, 21:1-7
Stephen Morris | November 10, 2022
Message Lookup
- 1 Corinthians 1
- 1 Corinthians 10
- 1 Corinthians 12
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 14
- 1 Corinthians 5
- 1 Corinthians 6
- 1 Corinthians 7
- 1 John 4
- 1 Peter 1
- 1 Peter 2
- 1 Peter 3
- 1 Peter 4
- 1 Samuel 16
- 1 Timothy 2
- 2 Chronicles 20
- 2 Corinthians 1
- 2 Corinthians 5
- 2 Corinthians 6
- 2 Samuel 7
- 2 Timothy 1
- 2 Timothy 2
- 2 Timothy 3
- 2 Timothy 4
- Abortion
- Abraham
- Acts 17
- Acts 2
- Acts 4
- Acts 8
- Acts 9
- Adam Crawford
- Alan Bowdler
- Anxiety
- Apologetics
- Armor of God
- Authority
- Baptism
- Bearing Fruit
- Beauty
- Bible
- Blessing
- Boldness
- Born Again
- Brokenness
- Chase Jones
- Church
- Circumcision
- Colossians 1
- Colossians 2