Volunteer at The Chapel
Every 2nd Sunday, we invite you to stop by one of our Resource Centers, after either service, to learn about our volunteer needs and how you can get involved.
Because Christ first loved us
Featured Volunteer Need
Sunday van drivers are needed to help transport local refugees to and from church. Pick-ups start at 7:30am and end before first service. Drop-offs begin immediately after the second service, wrapping up around 1:15pm.
For more information, contact Jeremy Poundstone or call 330.315.5441
Sunday Van Driver
Volunteer Opportunities
Card Making — Design cards with more than words. Add ribbons or pop-up elements to send to shut-ins, congregants and military/veterans.
Card Sending — Share the love of Christ by writing encouraging cards to shut-ins, congregants, and military/veterans.
Deacon Ministry — The Deacon ministry is looking to add members to serve our congregation under our new constitution. Deacons help in a variety of areas including visiting the sick, helping with baptism, attending funerals and more. Deacons are required to be members of The Chapel.
Encourage & Serve Widow and Widower Ministry — Volunteers are needed to help with monthly luncheons. Food prep, coffee service, kitchen duties, etc. the first Sunday of every month.
Quilters & Knitters — Searching for creative and gifted volunteers who can quilt and knit. Projects include making quilts for local and global missions.
Nursery & Preschool
Preschool Door Greeter — Welcome families with a smile and hello and to ensure safety in the hallway by checking parent tags.
Preschool Ministry Prep Team — Work behind the scenes to prepare for Sunday morning activities by gathering supplies needed for teaching.
Runner for Preschool — Help check on the leaders as they teach in their classrooms to make sure all is well during the service times.
Preschool Small Group Leader — Instill who God is as you teach a group of preschoolers as they discover how much God loves them.
Preschool Small Group Leader Substitute — Help on an as-needed basis to guide a group of preschoolers as they discover who God is.
Nursery — Caring hearts for babies that like to cuddle and snuggle are needed to help on Sunday mornings.
Butchel Check-in Desk — Be the face of family ministry as you check in our families for each service.
Small Group Leader — Make a difference in the next generation by instilling and teaching biblical foundations that will last a lifetime.
Large Group Leader — Be a part of a “small kid’s church” and use your spiritual gifts by investing in our elementary kids through worship, storytelling, leading games and building relationships with kids.
Preteen Leader — Help instill and teach spiritual disciplines to our 4th-5th graders as they start to understand what faith means and how to live their lives for Christ.
Assistant Worship Leader — Use your musical talents (singing, instruments, etc.) to help lead and assist the kids in understanding the how and why of worship. Also help with future musical events throughout the year.
Student Ministry
Middle School Leader — Minister to middle school students by spending time with them every Sunday morning. We worship together, have fun together and learn about God's word together. Middle school leaders will facilitate games, lead small groups, assist the director and invest in the lives of students.
High School Leader — Minister to high school students by spending time with them every Sunday evening. We worship together, have fun together, pray together and learn about God's word together. High school leaders will facilitate games, lead small groups, assist the director and invest in the lives of students.
Support Leader — Student ministry support volunteers will be called upon to assist with large events when extra hands are needed. Support leaders will be asked to serve food and help with logistical aspects of events. This is a great opportunity to serve students if you have a busier schedule and can't commit to the weekly serving of a ministry leader.
Special Needs
Classroom Helper – Help serve and show the love of God to those in our congregation with special needs. We have fun and learn about God through His word, through song, through conversation and through prayer. Help the morning go smoothly by supporting the students and other leaders.
Classroom Leader – Help serve and show the love of God to those in our congregation with special needs. Work alongside other volunteers to help plan and lead the elements of the Sunday morning class.
First Impressions
Fir Hill Desk Receptionist — Seeking trusted gatekeepers at the Fir Hill Information Desk. Use your experiences to contribute to the overall character of the church.
Greeter — Honor our first-time guests and members with a smile, hug or handshake. Equip them for whatever work the Lord wants to do in their lives.
Medical Team — Make a difference by using your skills to deal with minor medical injuries, illnesses and major medical emergencies until first responders arrive.
Parking Team — Brave the outdoors by keeping our parking situation organized. Rain or shine, the parking team has plenty of opportunities to show hospitality to first-time guests and members.
Safety Team — Commit to the safety of all children, families and staff by monitoring church operations, checking secured doors and assisting with special events.
Usher — Be the face of the church. Set the tone for worship and help prepare the people to hear and respond to the Word of God.
Christmas Decorating Team — Join the team that creates, sets up and tears down decorations that make our campus look festive and worshipful over the Christmas season.
Landscaping Team — Do you enjoy the various flowerbeds, bushes and trees around the campus? We could use your help caring for them. We need help planting, fertilizing, mulching, weeding, trimming and watering.
Snow Removal — Did you know that we get an average of 46 inches of snow every year? Sometimes it feels like it always arrives on Sunday morning. We need some early risers to help clear the sidewalks and entrances before Sunday services.
Special Events — Do you like to have your finger on the pulse, keeping up with all the different things that happen around the church? We need people to assist with a variety of events during the week and weekend using a range of skills.
Trades — Our facility is large and there is always something in need of repair. If you have knowledge or background in trades, we’re always looking for help in the areas of carpentry, plumbing, electrical, roofing, automotive and general trades.
Kitchen Team — Help maintain a clean, safe and organized environment in our church kitchen. Ensure that the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the kitchen area is ready for activities and special occasions.
Tech Team
Camera Operator — The video director will call camera shots while you operate a camera during Sunday morning services. You will learn to operate the camera, learn proper composure techniques and gain a general knowledge of live broadcast. This is a steppingstone to becoming a weekend video director. No experience necessary.
Slides Operator (CG op) — Learn to run ProPresenter software. This software runs videos, lyrics and slides that show on the screens in the worship center and on our live stream broadcast. Basic computer skills are a must. No experience necessary.
Lighting Technician — Learn the types of light fixtures and how they are used. Operate the grandMA lighting console to help set the mood for enhancing the worship experience. No experience necessary, but a creative mind is helpful.
Sound Technician — Learn the types of microphones used for the worship team and how they are used. Operate the Yamaha CL5 Digital Mixer to create great sound in the worship center and for the live stream broadcast. Experience not necessary, but is helpful.
Production Assistant — Learn to help with stage set up, stage design, various production needs on Sunday mornings or as needed. Learn about sound/live stream/recording equipment used in the Memorial Chapel and learn how to run productions such as funerals, weddings and other events.
Akron Internationals
English as a Second Language (ESL) — Teach or assistant teach a basic, intermediate or advanced English class to internationals studying, working or visiting Akron.
Hosting — Support our friends by being a short-term or long-term host. Provide our students with a safe and secure place during their Akron stay.
Local Outreach
School Ministry — We partner with several Akron schools right in our backyard, sharing God's love through different programs to students and their families. Our School Ministry includes Good News Clubs, Mom's Klub, Mom's groups and special school activities.
Refugee Outreach — Reaching out with God’s love to refugee families from Burma/Myanmar, Thailand and other areas of the world that live in our community of Akron. Our Refugee Outreach includes providing school supplies and backpacks, driving vans, leading Bible studies, tutoring and helping at summer school camp.
Sports Outreach — Reaching out to our community with the love and truth of Christ through different sports activities. These activities include men's basketball, fast break basketball and coed volleyball.
Large Community Outreaches — Organizing large outreaches in our city to reach people with the love and hope of Jesus Christ and to connect them to our church. Outreach events include community service days and other special outreach activities.
Global Outreach
Short-Term Missions Trips — We come alongside and serve with our global partners in different areas of the world to spread the gospel of Christ and help make disciples of the nations. Our global partners include Cambodia, India and the Yucatan, Mexico.
Global Outreach Prayer Meeting — Every second Sunday of the month we gather to pray for our church’s global ministry, interceding for our global partners, supported missionaries and other ministries around the world.
Workers for Christ — Join the longest active ministry here at The Chapel. Established during WWII, Workers for Christ sews fabric bandages for Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse.
Creative Arts
Photographers — Capture meaningful moments around our church at ministry events or on Sunday mornings. Photography experience required.
Video Assistant — Assist the Video Team by capturing/helping capture quality video content at The Chapel and on various off-site productions. Experience required.
Praise & Worship
Band and Vocals — Provide, for the purpose of glorifying Christ as lead worshippers, an authentic and heartfelt worship experience for the congregation through music and the arts.
Celebration Choir — Join the choir to be a part of leading the congregation in worship with your hearts and voices during the Easter and Christmas seasons.