Sundays 9am & 10:40am
135 Fir Hill Akron, OH, 44304
About Us
The Chapel is a non-denominational Christian church located next to the University of Akron. We love Jesus and want to share His hope with the world. Every Sunday, we gather to encourage one another and to lift up Jesus' name through prayer, singing and hearing from God’s Word. There’s a place for you at The Chapel. We hope you’ll stop by for a visit soon.
What should I wear?
Wear what makes you comfortable. We invite you to come as you. You’ll see anything from jeans and t-shirts to full suits. No matter what, we welcome you.
When should I arrive?
Generally, arriving 10 minutes early will give you plenty of time to park, come in and find a seat before service starts. For parents with children, arriving 15 minutes before service is a good idea.
Where should I park?
There are multiple Chapel parking lots directly next to our building on Chapel Drive between Buchtel Avenue and E. Market Street. You may also park in one of two lots on Fir Hill -- the paved lot next to our building or the gravel lot across the street.
First time visiting?
When you arrive, please stop by our front desk at the Fir Hill entrance or visit the Resource Center in our Worship Center lobby. We’d love to connect and give you a special gift! We can also help you with information about our groups, events and other ways to engage in community.
Join us for a Guest Lunch!
Every 1st Sunday of the month, guests are invited to a brief building tour & lunch with church leaders. Meet us at the Fir Hill Welcome Desk at 12:15pm. No need to sign up.