Children & Students
Partnering With Families to
Nurture Faith
We believe the Bible clearly teaches that parents are the primary source of discipleship for children and teens. We also believe the Bible makes it clear that the role of the Church body is to come alongside parents and help them in this disciple-making process.
Whether your child is a newborn in the Nursery or a 12th grader preparing to graduate, the mission we cultivate in our next generation is the same at every age: to raise up followers of Christ who love God and love others.
Our Children and Student Ministries
Karen Smith
Preschool Director
Jen Smith
Elementary Director
Nate Brawn
Interim Middle School Director
Tim Marrero
Interim High School Pastor
Nursery & Preschool
Meeting Times
Sundays: 9am & 10:40am
Wednesdays: 6:30 – 8pm Spring & Fall Semesters
Our Nursery & Preschool areas give children a first impression of our Heavenly Father and the wonder of His love. We seek to create a vibrant, exciting environment where we support you as parents in introducing your children to the One who made them. On Sunday mornings, we sing, we teach the Bible, we play and we snack. In all our activities, we seek to highlight these basic gospel truths: God is good, God made everything, God loves us, God wants to be with us and Jesus rescued us.
Our volunteers are all background-checked and are required to attend several training sessions each year, with your child’s security and well-being as a focus. We do ask that children be symptom-free and no longer contagious with illness for 24 hours to help us protect the health of our little ones. Please let us know of any conditions, allergies or medical needs that may apply to your child.
For more information about our Nursery & Preschool ministry, contact Karen Smith.
Our children’s check-in area is located in the Buchtel Lobby. Any of our greeters can show you the way. We use ID tags for your child's security and for your peace of mind. Here's how the identification process works:
At Check-in: You and your child(ren) will receive matching ID tags, unique to you and to your visit.
Parent Paging: If we need to contact you during a service, we will text your provided cell phone number.
At Pick-up: You must present your ID tag before we will release your child.
For added security, the doors in the Family Ministry hallways are locked 20 minutes after each service starts and reopened at the conclusion of each service.
What is check-in like?
Meeting Times
9am: 1st – 3rd Grade and Preteen (4th-5th) Large Groups
10:40am: 1st – 5th Grade Small Groups
6:30 – 8pm Spring & Fall Semesters
Our Elementary area is designed to be an interactive and engaging place where kids can grow together as they learn how they are part of God’s Story. We celebrate the glory of God through worship, Bible stories, memorization, and play. Our desire is to partner with parents in discipling their children and growing these faithful practices: studying the Bible, applying Truth, sharing our Hope, worshiping with our lives, and prayer.
Our volunteers are all background checked and are required to attend several training sessions each year, with your child’s security and well-being as a focus. We do ask that children be symptom-free and no longer contagious with illness for 24 hours to help us protect the health of our little ones. Please let us know of any conditions, allergies, or medical needs that may apply to your child.
For more information about our Elementary ministry, contact Jennifer Smith.
Our children’s check-in area is located in the Buchtel Lobby. Any of our greeters can show you the way. We use ID tags for your child's security and for your peace of mind. Here's how the identification process works:
At Check-in: You and your child(ren) will receive matching ID tags, unique to you and to your visit.
Parent Paging: If we need to contact you during a service, we will text your provided cell phone number.
At Pick-up: You must present your ID tag before we will release your child.
For added security, the doors in the Family Ministry hallways are locked 20 minutes after each service starts and reopened at the conclusion of each service.
What is check-in like?
Middle School
(6th-8th Grade)
Meeting Time
Sunday morning, 9-10:15am, Student Ministry Room
Our Middle School Ministry seeks to further develop the foundation of our students’ faith in the work of Christ. We do this by focusing on our identity and purpose in Jesus Christ and by living actively in gospel community. Our desire is to support parents as they walk with their students in pressing deeper into their personal faith in Christ.
Students in middle school will begin to experience what it is like to belong to a church community through our Small Groups. Small Groups create a safe place for students to process the large group teaching together and to talk through what it looks like to be transformed by God. Groups are divided by grade and typically have 10-14 students paired with at least two adult leaders who have been screened and trained.
For more information about our Middle School Ministry, contact Rachel Peteya.
High School (9th-12th Grade)
Meeting Times
Sunday Mornings: 9am Small Group Bible Study, Room 204
Sunday Nights: 6:30pm-8:30pm, Student Ministry room
Our High School Ministry looks to partner with parents in the continued discipleship of their high schoolers. We seek for our students to grow in their personal faith by exploring these themes from a gospel-centered perspective: identity, community, freedom and discipleship. Our large group gathering and small groups take place on Sunday night.
Small Groups exist to create a safe place for students to process the large group teaching together and talk through what it looks like to be transformed by God. Groups typically have 10-14 students paired with at least two adult leaders who have been screened and trained.
For more information about our High School ministry, contact Rachel Peteya.