Starts Wednesday, Feb. 28 | 6:30pm
(Classes do not meet Weds, March 27 due to Holy Week)
*Registration closed
Wednesdays, February 28 – April 10
If you are interested in a midweek study, we will have three courses available along with one membership class. We hope the following classes grow you in faith, hope and love.
Evangelism Training: Learn the Gospel
Setting gospel foundations from the Bible, learning concise explanation of the gospel.
Book required (suggested donation is $10)
How to Walk into Church
What is a church? Why are we here? How can we become participants in ministry?
Gospel-Centered Finances
Learning how to steward God’s given resources and support gospel work around the world.
Membership Class (4 weeks, February 28 - March 20)
Take this class if you are interested in becoming a member of The Chapel.