The Vision

What we believe is our God-given vision for the future of our church

To see every person join God in transforming our city and the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Mission

How we are going to see our vision become a reality in our church

Love God

by learning to worship, obey, and depend on Jesus Christ daily (Colossians 1:10).

Love People

by imitating Jesus through community and service, bringing hope and care to those in need (Ephesians 2:10; 5:1-2).

Make Disciples

who show and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their homes, their communities, and around the world (Acts 1:8).

Check out Pastor Tim casting our vision and mission!

For a detailed breakdown of our Vision and Mission, click here!

Core Practices

The practices we hope to grow in every member of our church.


We pray continuously, believing God hears and responds. 


We share the Gospel in our daily lives. 


We invest in deep relationships that reflect our mission. 


We give joyfully to advance God’s Kingdom. 

2027 Priority-Based Action Plan

The strategies we will focus on as assignments from the Lord to accomplish by 2027

Priority #1:
Love God

  • Build a culture and rhythm where prayer permeates every ministry of the church.

  • Build our church’s culture and align our ministries around practicing Prayer, Discipleship, Evangelism, Generosity and the Spiritual Disciplines to foster a deep life with God.

Priority #2:
Love People

  • Further develop our commitment to our church-led Outreach initiatives and deepen our commitments to our city-focused Outreach partners.

  • Update our strategy to welcome, include, and communicate with those outside of our church.

  • Develop a plan to increase the level of kingdom impact at The University of Akron and continue to connect college students to the life of our church.

  • Evaluate the needs of the community, growth of the church, staffing and best practices to leverage our building and make the best plan for its future.

Priority #3:
Make Disciples

  • Leverage the multi-generational nature of our church to develop future group leaders, ministry leaders, elders, and pastors from within our church.

  • Establish and align all ministries to a clear pathway that helps everyone walk through the stages of spiritual formation and maturity.

  • Create a plan for global missions that includes increasing mission trip involvement and sending a Chapel missionary.

  • Revisit our strategy for how to best utilize the Saturate campaign’s allocated funds for local church planting.

  • Continue to develop our commitment to Camp Carl through financial, volunteer, and ministry support.

For a detailed breakdown of our Vision and Mission, click here!