Outreach Trips

Getting Prepared

If you are interested in going on a short-term trip, please be prepared to take the following steps:

- Apply for the trip you wish to go on below.
- Take financial responsibility for the total cost of your portion of the mission trip, including a $100 initial deposit.
- Agree to and abide by The Chapel’s Short-Term Trip Agreement.

Upcoming Trips

Check back soon!

Sending and Being Sent

From the fall of man in Genesis 3, God has been out to redeem the world. Right before his ascension into heaven, Jesus’ last words to his disciples were, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”. We are called by Him to be active participants in His great redemptive story.

God’s Word is clear on this: every believer of Christ has a role in bringing the gospel to the nations. While each believer’s specific role is as unique as their own DNA, there are two basic methods for living this out: being sent, and sending others.

At The Chapel, one of the ways we live this out is through short-term mission trips. We have a number of trips offered through the church every year and we want to partner with you in being sent, or helping to send others.


Wilson Memorial Fund

This is a special fund for mission gifts created for those in high school up to age 30. Apply here.

A Word From Our Church Partner in Mozambique

"Through our partnership we are able to reach and break strongholds...we have not only established a strong and bible teaching church but our presence has brought a great social impact. We believe that together we will enlarge the Kingdom of God by preaching the Gospel and ministering to the needs of people in Mozambique. Thank God and thank you The Chapel family for partnering with us!"

Pastor Maulidio Fernando Manhiça

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