Membership Renewal | Sundays, March 23, 30 & April 6, 13 | Before 9am service, and after each service
The Oversight Elder Board is asking all Chapel Members to update their Chapel Membership Covenant. This will help our leadership team have a better idea of who calls The Chapel their home church.
If you are a member here at The Chapel, please take a moment to fill out the covenant below.
Within a few days after submitting your Membership Covenant Renewal, you'll get an email with the information we have on file for you in Belong (our church database). Please double-check your details and make sure we have the best ways to stay connected with you.
Have questions or want to fill this out in person?
We will have booths in the Atrium and Worship Center Lobby before 9am service and after each service on the following Sundays with people to help guide you: March 23, 30 & April 6, 13.