A Heritage of Church Planting
The Chapel was planted in Akron in 1934. Carl Burnham, our founding pastor, envisioned an independent church “in the heart of the city for the hearts of the city.” By the grace of God, making disciples and planting churches have been hallmarks of our identity from the start.
Over the years, our church helped to plant other independent churches in Marlboro, Hudson, North Canton, Sandusky, and Kent. By adding Chapel campuses in Green and Wadsworth, we helped two more local congregations take root.
In 2016, The Chapel, a multi-site church with three regional campuses, embarked on a concentrated church-planting effort known as the Saturate Movement. Through Saturate, four more Chapel campuses were planted in Kenmore, Cuyahoga Falls, Nordonia and Medina. The movement enabled our global outreach partners to plant new churches in Yucatan, Mozambique, India and Vietnam.
The year 2023 was pivotal for us as The Chapel’s seven campuses have become independent, elder-led churches. With that change, our church planting model returned to its roots of establishing local, autonomous churches to preach the gospel in their communities. This is multiplication for the sake of the Kingdom, and it is this legacy that inspires our vision for the future.
Saturate Giving Campaign
Goal: $5 Million
Total Pledged: $6,472,286
Total Given: $6,571,777
Individual Donors: 2,450
How God moved through Saturate
Our Local Church Plants
Established 2016 as The Chapel in Kenmore
Set to launch as Streetlight Community Church, an independent church: July 2023
Unlike many church plants, Streetlight Community Church (formerly The Chapel in Kenmore) was launched in a tougher area of Akron. Here, the church partners with a network of businesses like Just A Dad From Akron and Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance. Those in the community who have been hurt by the church are discovering a vibrant, revitalized faith again. Streetlight Community Church continues to be on mission to a unique neighborhood and continues to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples.
“We wanted to see a church where discipleship and really high commitment for Jesus was the norm.”
Pastor Ben White and his family. Ben was named Kenmore Campus Pastor in September 2019.
Cuyahoga Falls
Established 2018 as The Chapel in Cuyahoga Falls
Became independent and launched as Falls Community Chapel: April 2023
While the city of Cuyahoga Falls has a lot of churches, many don't believe the Bible or that Jesus is the only way. The church was planted as a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church to combat false teaching and show the real message of the gospel. Falls Community Chapel (formerly The Chapel in Cuyahoga Falls) has grown into a family, taking care of other’s needs and walking beside each other. With 51% of the city claiming no religious affiliation, the church’s goal is to bring that number to zero, with the tagline “fifty-one to none.”
“When we launched Cuyahoga Falls, we had a saying, and that's 'Fifty-one to None.”'
Pastor Stephen Neumeyer and his family. The Neumeyer family planted the Cuyahoga Falls campus in April 2018.
Established 2020 as The Chapel in Nordonia
Launched as The Corners Chapel, an independent church: August 2023
With so many churches not representative of their community, The Corners Chapel (Formerly The Chapel Nordonia) is on a mission to become a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, gospel-centered church. Serving a city that was named from Acts 16:10, the church has adopted the verse as a calling to do the verse same –preach the gospel. Despite a delayed launch caused by the pandemic, the people of The Chapel Nordonia remain committed to serving and sharing the hope of Jesus.
“The Lord began to lay that on my heart to have a gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, multi-generational church.”
Pastor Chase Jones and his family. The Jones family planted the Nordonia Campus in August 2020.
Established 2021 as The Chapel in Medina
Became independent and launched as The Chapel Medina: May 2023
After a survey of surrounding towns, we found that the number of people in Medina involved in church, and believing God satisfies, was less than 5%. In response to a glaring need to reach people through the gospel, The Chapel Medina was planted. Through steps of faith, God has shown His faithfulness with various meeting locations and a team ready to serve the church’s mission. Now, the people of The Chapel Medina have a home where they can worship God, be discipled and continue to share their hope with the city.
“It's just been story after story about the way God has opened doors and provided, but not before we took a step of faith.”
Pastor Alan Bowdler and his family. The Bowdler family planted the Medina Campus in January 2021.
Camp Carl
Saturate funds have enabled Camp Carl to create a new treehouse, new cabins, a ninja obstacle course, enhanced programming, and so much more for campers! As the facilities continue to grow, our camp staff has more tools to relentlessly pursue a generation desperate for the hope that can only be found in Jesus.
Learn more about Camp Carl HERE!
Global Outreach
Learn more about our outreach partners across the globe! Through our Saturate Campaign, communities in Mozambique, Cambodia, India, Yucatan and Vietnam are hearing the gospel.
In the last few years, the ministry in Mozambique established two church buildings in the villages of Macalawane and Mukhotwene. We have also partnered to supply resources for a youth multi-purpose building next to the Macalawane Church and training for church leaders.
Local Church in Macalawane singing a worship song.
Thanks to the Saturate Campaign, three young men from our orphan home partners Asia's Hope can follow God’s calling to go to Bible school and connect with local church ministries to spread the gospel and make disciples.
Kakrona has graduated from Bible school! He is serving in his local church and hopes to plant another church one day.
Yucatán, Mexico
Saturate has helped the church in Yucatan build a palapa (small hut), a covered activity center next to the church, a well, and other needed resources for the church in the village of San Marcos. We have also purchased a property in Chikindzonot for the building of a church, a large sports complex, and other resources for outreach to Yucatan
village communities.
One of the new covered activity centers!
The Saturate Campaign helped fund the building of multiple home ministry structures and equipped leaders to do the work of discipleship. Over the last seven years, we have helped establish 12 home ministries that have matured to seven congregations and one official congregation.
Remodeled home now better equipped to host home ministries.
Saturate has enabled the outreach in India to build two gathering spaces and to provide ministry resources for large outreach events.
Community gathering for a local ministry festival.
Saturate Testimonies
Dan and Tiffany
"One day, Tiffany and I had been fighting a lot. Having been addicted to all sorts of drugs and spending time in jail, I was feeling hopeless. I remember driving around and crying out to God, needing to know if I’m forgiven. I called Pastor Ben, who said yes, absolutely. It was hard for me to believe, considering all the damage that I've done. Once it sank in that Jesus is real and truly forgives me, I rushed to share it with Tiffany. That night, through tears, she sat across the table and forgave me for everything. Jesus took all the weight off my shoulders and gave our marriage a fresh start. Even through all the depression, anxiety and hopelessness, I was never too far from God’s love for me."
"During my youth, I was struggling with who I was and even from a young age had same sex attraction. As I grew older and acted on my feelings, I searched for my identity and purpose in tarot cards, incense, anything that would explain who I was. In the stillness of the pandemic shutdown, a friend shared a video about Scripture speaking to homosexuality. It was there that my search ended and my life truly began. I’m blown away that as a sinner, I still had a chance at freedom from all of that. Through the discipleship of members of the Nordonia Campus, Pastor Chase, my brother, family and the support of others, I came to be baptized this past July, a year and a day after I gave my life to the Lord."
The Barnes Family
"We attended church before, but it felt more like a chore. After some struggles, we were all searching for something better. Once we started attending the Medina Campus, we noticed all five of us left each week with something that had a positive impact on us. It has truly been a blessing from God to find this church with great people surrounding us. We’d later decide to be baptized as a family and were welcomed into the church with open arms. All five of us look forward to coming to church every Sunday. We have found a home."
"When me and my siblings were all living with my mom and stepdad, there wasn’t a lot of food for us to eat. Because of the neglect, we were removed from our mother’s home. I went to church once with my first foster placement, but just didn't care. When I was at my second foster placement, my current family, we went to church regularly. After talking to a mentor about the bridge analogy, I told her I’d like to walk across and accepted Christ that day. I started to listen on Sundays and was encouraged by other stories at school similar to mine. Through God’s grace and forgiveness, I know He has always been there for me."
Rick Kostelnick
"In retirement it's easy to think that your career is over, you're done and you're just going to fade away, but getting plugged into your church gives you many opportunities to grow in your faith."